Well hello everyone. How doth thou? I doth great. Have you lost weight? (<-- that totally rhymed) But enough small talk.
As I was sitting here in my little swivel chair, gazing out upon the majestic majesty that is Glasgow’s weather, I said to myself, “self, what adventure should I regale them with this week? What tale of intrigue, lust, and nuclear explosions should I let them be privy to?" But alas, these last few weeks have been relatively slow on the Scottish nuclear meltdown front. And if it were action packed in that regard, I would have by now gained the ability to see through walls and shoot lightening bolts out of my eyes with the help of my new sunglasses that top scientists had handcrafted for me. They would be the kind of sunglasses that say, “Yeah I look awesome, but you’re about to get a lightening bolt in your ass.” See Figure 1.1 if confused.
Basically that is my way of telling you that nothing major happened this last week. OR DID IT? No nothing did. But I am about to embark on a few journeys. One of them is to London, which is happening February 8 – 12. But Ashley Marie Antoinette Welling, why are you embarking on such a trip you ask? ooOOooO just to see THE GREATEST BAND OF ALL TIME (refer to very hipsta-esque photo below).
And I am excited beyond words. For instance, if I run out of undergarments to throw on stage, I have this suspicion I’m just going to start picking up and tossing things that are closest to me. And while they are going to be really confused when they notice large amounts of grass clumps lying about their feet, I’m sure they’ll understand it was done out of obsession love. This little trip will also mark the first time I have ever stayed in a hostel. I’ll be sure to keep you posted as to how many personal effects get “lost.”
My second adventure is more personal, more spiritual, more … Pulitzer Prize-y if I may. Allow me to break it down one time. It’s a project for my editing and publication class and what I’ve decided to do is to play around with the idea of autobiography with an emphasis on ancestry. Yes you heard right, I’m going to venture back into the bowels of the Welling family archives and find out where these sons-a-bitches came from. I mean, they’re all from over here so it shouldn’t be too difficult. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll find out from which branch of the tree Stephanie got her stupidness — and in that respect, where I inherited my brilliant, sparkling personality. I might even explore my mom’s side — the _______’s. Why the omission you ask? I mean, it’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just that I have this sneaking suspicion if I told the world my mom’s maiden name I’d suddenly be the proud owner of 15 new credit cards.
On that note, I made another video. But this time, it’s with Katie and Gina — two fellow Americans that I met in the airport when I first arrived in this land I now call home. They live with me here in the international dorms and they’re pretty great and I talk about them a lot in the blog so I figured you should all meet them. ENJOY.
Oh and I got a new piercing. It's just on my ear so calm down. Get out your microscope:
Oh and I got a new piercing. It's just on my ear so calm down. Get out your microscope:
Just to clarify, I was not terrified when I took this picture. #awkwardselfportraits