Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Almost Famous?

So in case you have been living under a rock (or you’ve just been carrying on with other, more important responsibilities), you will know that Stephanie and I have won something. Now, we’re not saying it’s of equal or greater importance than that of the Nobel Peace Prize … but we’re not saying it’s not. That’s right, we won a blog contest and victory has been sweet.

How is our 12-hour-old fame treating us you ask? Not well folks, not well. I went to Starbucks today and I was practically mobbed. And by that I mean I think someone looked at me. And by someone I mean the cashier who said I “forgot my change” but I knew what she meant, I knew.

To further explain the new circumstances in which we find ourselves, we made a short video that you may watch below. And once again, a big thank you to Bryan and Brandon for giving us a shout out when we don’t deserve it in the slightest — and a big welcome to our new followers. Welcome to the motherfucking family. 

How Stephanie and I celebrated our win. Also, a nuclear explosion. 


Ashley & Stephanie 


  1. Be patient, young ones. The riches will come. Look at how long it took us to start making millions on our blog.


    Oh wait, we don't make a dime doing this. Speaking of which, do you have a dime I can borrow? Scurvy hurts.

    Also, that's a sweet ride, Ash. Are those pleather-wrapped car seats I spy? You can't beat genuine pleather.

    -Bryan (fun fact: Brandon does not actually exist. He's been dead for 15 years. I just use his name to cheat my taxes)

  2. Hahaha, love it!
    (also, my word verification was 'creep.' HOW DOES THIS KNOW ME SO WELL?)

  3. Word Verification hates me. Mine was Sin None. Has it been reading my mail? Yours is a cool site. May fame find us all, Roland

  4. Love your star goggles. Yep,your list of followers seem to be skyrocketing. Good to know that you are getting the visibility you deserve.
    Out of seven continents you can't be in Antarctica which ckntinent/planets are you two sisters from?
    Me and my sista can't stay in same room and I feel jealous about your gals sisterhood

  5. At the comment above - what the Dickens???

    Yeah, you guys are well deserved winners, utter geniuses! You guys deserve everything you reap from it, just don't let it go to your heads!

  6. haha great video you guys made, loved it.

  7. Awesomeness! I am so glad you two won! I hope you get some publicity!

  8. Are you sure you're not Lady Gaga? Both of you?

  9. Lol! Too fun. We don't have a Starbucks, but if we did, I'm sure no one would look at me. And, I highly doubt the cashier would actually speak to me. Oh, fame.

  10. Lol...congrats on winning the contest. You have earned the right to be followed...but hopefully not in a creepy stalker way. I don't do that.


  11. Ha. Love the video..... and don't mind Anne. The weather here in Ireland sucks so it's probably messing up her airport business.

  12. YAY! is what i say...

    thanks for stopping by my blog... i hope you will continue to do so...

    oh, and hey... do you get to meet the 'beer boys'... that'd be cool...

  13. Congratulations! And how do you get your hands so smooth looking?

  14. discovered simply because i drink beer in the shower...life really is amazing...cheers ladies-- may your followers grow like mold-- i had to pay mine

  15. I hope you two know I was just kidding around with you. You guys have a great thing going here and my sense of humour can be brutal. It's much like the Scots sharp tongued cut, but your humour is pretty much the same. Keep doing these vids. People love them.

  16. Now I see why I have not had any comments from either of you lately....you are too busy being famous. Well, that is ok...Justin Bieber did the same thing to me.

  17. Haha awesome and congrats! I think you should post weekly updates on "white girls dancing with mustaches during rush hour traffic".. you could give lessons to the rest of your mustachioed white girl followers...

  18. what a greaaat post love your blog =) follow

  19. Kanye would totally push BeyonSAYLo off the stage for you two.

  20. Anne - Sorry, we've both been busy flying back to our respective colleges and getting settled in again. When I read your first comment I took it a little too seriously and sent PETA after you.

    You may need to relocate to a cave.

    - Stephanie

  21. since i arrived at this site five minutes ago, you two haven't changed a bit

  22. Congrats... on the win. The video was freekin funny!

  23. When are you girls going to post again? Your public awaits you with eager anticipation, we hold our breaths and wait, and wait and wait. Publish something before I die please!
